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Our Positioning Statement

Bringing freedom from modern slavery

We use this ‘positioning statement’ as our core summary of ‘who we are and what we do’. It explains why we are in this fight and the ambition at the heart of our movement. It represents why we do what we do, and why we fight as hard as can, and why we refuse to ever give up.

Reinforcing our Positioning Statement

We can reinforce our positioning statement, where space allows, with this explanation of what bringing freedom means to Hope for Justice:

What does bringing freedom mean to us? It means people living free from exploitation, and free from the fear of being exploited. It means survivors having the power, agency and opportunity to make choices about their own future, living in dignity. It means safer communities in which vulnerability to human trafficking is transformed into resilience. It means improving the response, partnering with other agencies and civil society, while standing with survivors to create a world in which everyone can live free from slavery.