Programme Principles

Our Programmes are run in accordance with five key principles:

Principle 1: Human Rights-based

We protect and promote human rights as codified in international human rights instruments, in all aspects of our work. We empower vulnerable people, victims, and survivors of slavery to realise their human rights and hold duty-bearers such as governments and businesses accountable.

Principle 2: Person-centred & Community-based

We work for the best possible outcomes for our clients and beneficiaries, addressing the unique and sensitive needs of the individuals, families, and communities most affected by slavery. Our responses are informed by the voices of survivors and the active participation of local stakeholders.

Priniciple 3: Holistic

We take an end-to-end approach to the survivor journey, addressing the root causes and drivers of slavery, situations of slavery, and the consequences of slavery. We augment our impact by strengthening the rule of law and reforming legislation, policy, practice, knowledge, institutional structures and social norms, at all levels of society.

Principle 4: Collaborative

We work in collaboration with partners to reach more people affected by slavery. Working in partnership allows us to better support locally led initiatives, achieve better value for money, learn from partners, maintain operational agility, access diverse resources, and influence wider change through networks and collective advocacy.

Principle 5: Sustainable

We commit to leaving a meaningful, long-term legacy. Through the combination of holistic programme delivery, viable funding models, collaborative partnerships, and structural reform - we maintain, extend and sustain our impact, long after our work has ended.

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